Oh you got trouble (oh we got trouble)

right here in

River City

Right Here!

The Music Man: Traveling con artist Harold Hill targets the naïve residents of a small town in 1910s Iowa by posing as a boys' band leader to raise money before he can skip town.  The Music Man (1962).   

my friends, you got trouble (oh we got trouble)

Right here in River City (right here in River City)

With a capital "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pool (that stands for pool)

We've surely got trouble (we've surely got trouble)

Right here in River City (right here)

Remember the Maine, Plymouth Rock and the Golden Rule

(Our children's children gonna have trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble)

Robert Preston could sing?  In 1962, I was 11, living in the heart of Maga land.

More recently the City of Campbell River has gained attention as a place with a homeless problem in it's downtown core.   

When someone tells you who they are, maybe you should believe themMaybe it's time for a clean slate.

The homeless problem is global, but Campbell River has even more trouble ahead.  It's becoming a geratics ward.  Old people are everywhere and more and more of them are moving in all the time.  A plague of Monday morning heart attacks, strokes while watching the news,  and waiting untill no cars are coming.

Icarus  "I'm driving here,  pull over and die."  Flyby

Inflation, higher property and business taxes and lower services.  Go ahead!  Make my day!  Find a doctor.  Get your lawn mowed.    It's gotton so bad that it takes 10 minuits to get anywhere in CR.   And there are homeless people everywhere.  I thought about the homeless and suggested the Ironwood Mall, I also thought that it was probably a bad idea, 

but at least it was an idea.    A place to start a more humane discussion about a growing problem 

Phase One: Solution Slate 

$250,000 Developers
$250,000 Health Services
$250,000 Real Estate
$250,000 Service Clubs

If I had one million dollars I would develop a prototype and business plan for manfacturing theFlux Capacitor here in Campbell River:  

Big Picture: geopolitical advantage for Canada to promote a global demoracy infrastructure; Local Picture: attracting young highly skilled people to Campbell River.   

In addtion to my mother's undying love and gratitude, patrons would receive their choice of a piece of art.

Phase Two: Goverment Support $10 million

I am a Canadian citizen today because in the 1960s someone understood demographics and opened the doors to immigration.

Icarus 5th Gen Escapist Flyby 

Learned Helplessness

My wife thinks I'm cute.  

FYI: She also thinks I'm deusional.  (So do I).  However.  

There is nothing that I can do about the situtation

 is not a philosphy that I subscribe to.